Újra megnyitja kapuit a clevelandi magyar Szent Imre-templom
* Újra megnyitja kapuit Ohio államban a clevelandi Szent Imre római katolikus magyar templom, miután a Vatikán helyt adott az arra vonatkozó kérésnek, hogy ne zárják be a 108 éve épült plébániát.

„Plébániánk örvendezik a hír hallatán"

  St. Emeric Catholic Church will reopen in Cleveland, led by its former priest.

St. Emeric Catholic Church, on the city's near West Side, will return to lead its reopening.  The Catholic Diocese of Clevelan announced Tuesday that Bishop Richard Lennon hasassignedthe Rev. Sandor Siklodi  - who was moved to Chicago after St. Emeric closed in June 2010 -to head the reconstituted parish.Parishioners of the Hungarian church had appealed for Siklodi's return because he speaks Hungarian and says Mass in their native language. The reopening Mass is scheduled for noon on Nov. 4."Our parish is rejoicing in the news," parishioner and church organist Miklos Peller of Westlake said Tuesday. "There are tears of joy."

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